Family is a Gift from God!!! We treasure it every day!!!
Jonnie loves to be read to by his sister's. Here Maddie is pretending to be a serious school teacher!!!
Sometimes Jon uses up so much energy before lunch!!
This is how I found him when I went to check on why
he was sooo quiet....it was only 11:15 am!!!! He's ready
for nap time early on this day!!!

Jon loves to be outdoors. Below he is enjoying our warmer
temperatures. Today it topped 55 degrees, and it's only the middle
of February!! It's so much fun to see all the things boys can think of
to do with something as simple as a stick!!! He was having a blast!!

Our temperatures can change here very quickly, though.
It is New England after all!! Here is Jon all bundled up for the frigid temps we had just last weekend!!!
So much energy....so little time!!!....................