I am so thankful for all the Lord has provided to us....His son for our salvation and the Life that He lives in and through us as believers! I am thankful for the awesome husband God has given me. It is my joy to be his helpmeet! I am super thankful for my 4 children...Brittany, Madelyn, Grace and Jonathan. I'm thankful for my family near and far, and for all of my dear, dear, brothers and sisters in the Lord, and all of my friends! Here we are at Niagara Falls as a family. This was a stop we made on the way to take Brittany to New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson Michigan. This is our first Thanksgiving without Brittany! Sigh...that is a bitter sweet thing for sure. She's enjoying Thanksgiving today at a room mates home in St. Louis, Missouri. An 8-9 hour drive from Michigan! In this photo we also have Mao...our Japanese exchange student who spent a month with us. I hope to be more faithful in blogging and keeping folks up to date this way. We also have a facebook, too, and the Winslow family website...so...lots to update!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Remember..Thanksgiving produces joy....let's be joyful!