Wow..I can hardly believe that it's been over one year since I last posted to my blog! Oh my goodness. What a year 2009 has been. It's been one of the hardest, if not the hardest years for us as a family, but God has remained faithful throughout it and we are so thankful for that! We trust in Him fully and we know that He who has begun a good work in us will follow it through until completion. For this we remain greatly encouraged! We know that He has a plan for us, and we are already seeing parts of it in this new year!Happy 2010!!!!Here are some photos from 2009 in no particular order:We enjoyed a wonderful day at Wells beach in Maine with some of our dear friends from church. Oh how we love them!
Where are those crabs Grace?

We went camping in Vermont this past September at Winhall Brook Campground in Londonderry, VT. It is a core of engineer's campground and it's just beautiful! Here are some scenes from a man made water slide on the river! Good clean fun!

Here Glenn is multi tasking on the way to the brook! There were wonderful bike and hiking trails there. The campsites were flat and each had lush green grass! Sooooo nice!
We started the 1st annual Winslow Fishing Derby at our favorite fishing spot in VT...Gale Meadows Pond. The derby was held over 2 days!
During the first day of the derby, Grace caught her first ever fish! Go Grace! On day one we fished with live bait. On day two, Glenn was crowned the fishing derby champion. He switched to his favorite lure and caught two very good sized bass. They made a tasty addition to our camp supper that night! Hooray Glenn!Maddie and Grace found a dead tree in the middle of the pond to swim out to and pose on! Nice girls!
We spent a few days at my brother's house in Springfield, VT. This is the gang of kiddos there! Maddie, Kasi, Grace, Maxwell, Katie, Maggie and Jon, and our dog Levi. We had a fun time there!

On 9/9/09 --
Jonnie learned to ride his two wheeler without training wheels while we were camping! Go Jon, go! There was no stopping him. He kept asking us..."Are you sure I'm going to be able to remember how to do this forever?"
September 10th, 2009, while camping, Glenn and I and the kiddos celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary with a day trip to Bennington, VT. It was beautiful there. The kids loved the moose on display. Each one was painted with a theme and designed by area businesses.
Here we spotted an evangelistic Mennonite group singing. That was awesome! This is where a new friendship would begin! That is a whole other blog entry, however!
Here we are at the Ball Dam in Vt. What a beautiful view from the top!
We had a wonderful time camping in Vermont! Thank you Glenn for taking us!