And this is exactly what we have done since moving into our home in Barnstead. The tornado of 2008 that took down over 300 trees in our back and side yard has helped considerably with this. Beauty from the destruction of the tornado, letting the sun shine in even more, and helping with many things to grow.
We love to have a garden, and we love this time of year. We just finished a wonderful harvest of strawberries, and are now enjoying a bounty of raspberries, too. We also have planted in our main garden: (many of these started in my wonderful cold frame built by my honey---Thank you Glenn!)
*wax beans
*green and purple beans
*pumpkins (even some seeds from a prize winning giant pumpkin!)
*summer squash
*cabbage*acorn squash
I think that's it. Here is a photo of our garden right now, and also one of the 9 cups of raspberries the kids and I picked on Friday. (I just learned that my friend just paid 5.49 a lb for commercial pick your own raspberries! Wow...this is quite a savings!