Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Beautiful Girlies!

 Just had to share some candid shots of my beautiful daughters! Enjoy!

November is National Adoption Month!

Every year, NH honors families who have adopted. This year, we were invited to the governor's chambers for a special celebration. The kids were super excited about this. So, on Tuesday, November 15th, we headed to the big city of Concord! Everyone had a great time! The kids were presented with a gift bag each, and we were honored by everyone there. It was a great celebration!

The kids LOVED sitting in the big "throne" chairs!

Jon was super impressed with this man, General John Adams

The kids all loved what John Adams said..."If anyone attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot them on the spot!"

Thank You Veterans!

In our own little way, we enjoy paying tribute to our country's veterans. Madelyn has been the trumpeter for the Pittsfield, NH American Legion for many years. It is her job to play the echo of taps.


They Have Decided to Follow Jesus!

On October 16th, Junior, Elisha, and Jonathan were baptized and made  a public profession of faith in front of our church family. It was a beautifully blessed day! The weather cooperated, and so they didn't have to be the "frozen chosen"! They were able to use a big horse trough, and it was filled with nice warm water!

50 year Anniversary!

On October 22nd, we had the honor of celebrating Glenn's folks' 50th wedding anniversary. Glenn's two sisters and Glenn and I organized the event. It was held at the Deerfield Community Church function hall, and a wonderful time was had by all! 

To make the day super special for us, we were surprised by a visit from Chris and Brittany and we got to finally meet our precious granddaughter Marlie. This day was a gift from the Lord!

Here is the precious Marlena Joy...8 months old!