Saturday, May 23, 2015

Rejoice with Us!! "God has added!"

Will you join us in rejoicing in what the Lord has done? We thank you greatly! We have been matched with a beautiful little girl who just turned 5. She's in Eastern Europe, and has the gift from the Lord of an extra chromosome! She's absolutely precious! We have amazing photos and videos of her, and we love her already! We can't post them on a public forum, but if you listen to a little bird, that little bird would tell you to go to Reece's rainbow and look at a little girl named Claire that was just put on my family found me today!! Claire sssshhhhh. Remember, you heard that from a little bird!  Okay?? Also, we aren't sure if our agency is going to allow us to use Reece's Rainbow this time, so we'll keep you posted. However we've started a You Caring page and we would rejoice over any support given there. You can view that link here.Winslow's You Caring 
It was just asked what is you caring? It's a wonderful way to raise support that can go directly to the cause. It's great! 

Our little girl's  name in her homeland is P*p*. The Biblical meaning of her name is:  "God has added"! And oh yes, our dear God has added again greatly to our family

If you would like to email me, I'm happy to send you an updated photo of her, too! 

I was just asked today the question that is often asked by family members who just don't understand....."You are adopting AGAIN??"....can JoyAnna even walk??" And I think to myself....why is this a criteria for God adding to our family again? It's not of course, and so I smile and tell her, "This is our mission field, and God is in control and it's such a wonderful place to be in His will". 

So where are we in the process? 

Our home study is complete, and we are in the process of preparing all of our other documents for our dossier. A familiar place to be, but a hectic place as well. We will be sending in our USCIS application for immigration very soon.

Jerry and JoyAnna have been home for 9 months! They are doing VERY well! They are thriving! Take a peek:

Would you join us in praying:
For precious P*p* and her health and well being during this time of waiting.
For our family as we prepare for God to add as only He can.
For our daughter Madelyn and her fiancé Mitchell and their wedding plans.
For the upcoming birth of our newest granddaughter in late June or early July.

Our lives are full and so are our hearts!

Thank you ALL!

We sure do love you!