Good afternoon!
Well, it's Thursday, and it's 98 degrees outside here!! I really should be gardening, but I can NOT bring myself to go outside right now. Maybe if it cools off in a bit. So for now, I'd love to chat awhile!
On Saturday, July 30th, we had a Meserve family reunion at Ossipee lake. It was WONDERFUL!! There were about 61 of us there. What a great location and an awesome time!
Do you see these two?? Aunt Pat, age 81, and my Dad, (David), age 84. They are the youngest of 13 and they are the only 2 remaining siblings. What a heritage they have! What a blessing to get together for a happy occasion and not a memorial service!
Rosie and Faith. Sisters forever, yet just meeting for the first time a few short years ago! Sooooo thankful how God put them together and He worked out all of the details. Faith lives with her adoptive family in Salem, NH. We try and get her once a week this summer so they can spend the day together! It's such a blessing! Faith is 11 months older than Rose. They truly could be twins! They have started: "Sister's smoothie company" when Faith is here! They work together so well!On one of Faith's visits, we stopped and visited their great grandmother Marilyn, their sister Sage and brother Josh! Such a blessing!

When Faith is here, she LOVES to be outside and check the eggs and visit with the chickens!
This year we have a LOT of milkweed right outside our front door! There are many monarch caterpillars! What a blessing to get to watch them turn into beautiful butterflies! Tuesday night we went to National Night Out in Concord. Nicole's Sea Cadet unit had a table there. It was a LOT of fun!!
This morning, for our workout, Nicole and I went rucking! That is my absolute favorite type of exercise! It's walking with a weighted back pack. It's sooooooo therapeutic!! My pack weights 55 lbs. I'm definitely adding this back into my routine!
Okay, peeps. It's 3 degrees cooler. I'm headed to the garden with lots of water to drink!!
See you soon!