Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Edward and Elisha are 13 today!!! Wow!!

Thought I'd give you a "real-time" experience here on my blog! Edward and Elisha our beloved twins are 13 today! Here's a peek into how their morning has gone.

On the menu for their birthday breakfast:

homemade chocolate chip Belgian waffles
maple sausage links
orange juice

After breakfast we enjoyed our family present opening time!

Presenting one of our newest teenagers---Elisha Marie!

Presenting our other newest teenager---Edward Joseph!

Enjoy your breakfast!!!

Rosie says...."Happy birthday and I'd love a bite of your waffle!!"

Edward got a leatherman!

Elisha enjoys some playmobil!

Elisha also enjoys a new vision forum doll....Fidelia!

Edward got some playmobil, too!

 I'll post more as the day goes on! Enjoy your glimpse!

Here is a glimpse of our afternoon!

Our beloved birthday twins!

One of Elisha's favorite gifts today was a Vision Forum character doll named Fidelia! She's beautiful!

On the menu for lunch....Edward's pick...Loaded nachos! Yum!

 I'll post more in the evening! the evening is here...and what a wonderful day we had! On the menu for supper:
Broccoli and Cheese Soup in a Bread Bowl, and then off to the Bubble in Wolfeboro to meet up with family and friends for icecream!

Martha joined us for dinner and the Bubble!

We were soooo excited to have Brittany and Marlie join us at the Bubble. Chris had to work late.

Aunt Pat joined us, too along with Grampa! It was so hard not to have Grammie with us, but wonderful to continue the tradition!

This is one of the many reasons we LOVE the Bubble. They make a huge deal out of birthdays!

Edward and Elisha's icecreams both had candles in them and they sang to them.

Then we headed across the street to the park.

Our beautiful Brittany and our grand baby Marlena!

See the backpacks? When my Mom was in the hospital, she whispered to me..."Mary, in my closet are some presents for Edward and Elisha. I'm so sorry that I don't have a backpack to put them in, can you take care of that?"..."Yes, Mom, I'll take care of that!". And Dad and Mike bought these back packs and we filled them with the gifts she got, and so she was totally there in spirit. It was wonderful!

There was a concert in the park tonight, and we enjoyed some of the music before it was time to go!

Marlena Joy Thorn!

My Dad had a hat on that said...#1 Grampa...and here he is with most of his beloved grandchildren and his great granddaughter!

Aunt Pat and Rosie!
Happy 13th birthday Edward and Elisha...hope you had a wonderful day! We love you soooo much and we are so glad you are a part of our family!



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