Saturday, January 12, 2013

Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart!---

Psalm 95:1-6 - "O Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, And a great King above all gods, In whose hand are the depths of the earth; The peaks of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for it was He who made it; And His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker."

I know I haven't posted in a bit, and for that I'm sorry. I must confess to you dear blog readers that these past few weeks have been very hard for me. Why??

Well...I miss my Mom greatly. You see, Christmas time was one of her favorite times of year. She LOVED to celebrate it with all of us, even though for the last many years, she and my Dad have spent the winters in Florida.  Mom would keep her little local post office in business by sending out at least 10++ flat rate boxes to us all stuffed goodies she had found for each of us throughout the year. It was so sweet. This is our first holiday season without her, and it's been hard....just plain hard. I'm thankful that God knows that, and that He wants to fill that gap for me and my family.

Also hard for me in this last month has been the waiting. The waiting has been VERY hard. Waiting for our homestudy to be written up and waiting for the next step in our adoption process. Knowing that little Edward and Zoey are waiting, too, makes it even harder. Waiting is hard for me. Very, very hard. I've been rejoicing with Susannah who just spent this last week with her precious Tommy. I've been so thankful for her updates and can't wait to "hear" all about it! I've jumped for joy with Adeye who left with her two older sons yesterday to go and bring her two new children home! Thank you God! And still we wait. Trusting God during the waiting can be hard....very hard. God knows how much more money we need to come in, and we know that it will come in right in His perfect timing! God keeps whispering to me:  "Be still and know that I am God."...Be still??? Oh my...that's hard for me, too. We know that we have "set the table", and we know that God will provide! We know that, He's done it before, and He'll do it again! He called us to this ministry, to this mission field, and we know that He will complete that work which He has begun here! Not in "my" perfect timeline, but in His!

Yesterday, in our character devotion time with the children, I read this and thought, this is here today just for ME!! I'll share it with you.

"A grateful spirit is only possible after we give God ALL of our expectations and recognize that whatever He gives is more than we deserve!" Our theme MUST be God's mercy. Our daily reminder must be, 

"My soul, wait though only upon God; for my expectation is from Him."  (Psalm 62:5)

Thank you  God for that reminder, I sure did need that! I give you ALL of my expectations about this adoption Lord. I trust that whatever you do in Your perfect timing is more than I deserve!

Will you please pray for me??, that my soul would wait only upon God, and that I would rest in the fact that my expectation is from Him???

Thank you!  

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