We praise the Lord for our generator! It was such a blessing as we were about 8 hours without any power today.
I just LOVED the contrast of the snow laden tree branches and the bright blue sky! It was truly a beautiful day today!
So what is this sure sign of Spring you ask??? Well...it's something we LOVE to do, and we didn't get to do it last year due to a trip to Florida and a new baby in our family.........
care to guess...????????
It's something we like to do every year about this time.....
We are in a deficit of supply because we didn't get to do it last year with everything going on.....
It's truly a labor of love, but the end result is ohhhhh soooooo sweet!!
The kids absolutely enjoy it, and so do Glenn and I!!
And let me tell you....if this is any indication of the season...it's going to be great! The sap was literally running out of the trees! It was such a blessing!
Little Miss Rosie watched from inside!
24 taps later, and we are soooo excited! What a lovely day we had today! Glenn is off this week with us. It's such a blessing to have him here! We were able to do a 3 hour family Bible time and wisdom search and prayer time this morning, followed by a wonderful time of fellowship outdoors in God's beautiful creation, lunch, and then an afternoon finishing up our Advanced Life Principles Seminar!! Whoo--Hoo! That's been a long time coming!!
Back to our regular school schedule tomorrow, with Daddy here as our principal! Yeah!!!