Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Scarlet Pimpernel!

This past weekend, the Lamplighter Homeschool Theater (of which 6 of my kiddos are a part of) performed The Scarlet Pimpernel. It was absolutely wonderful!!! Take a peek!

The cast and crew!
The whole cast!! A bit silly!

Some of the girlies with Holly the director!
Madelyn was the narrator and stage manager!

Opening scene in the village!

Marguerite and Chauvelin

"The news from France is the very worst!"

Brogard the rather grumpy inn keeper!

Chauvelin and the "Jewish Man"

The soldiers

2 of our favorite actresses!
 Many hours were spent getting ready, and of course there was the infamous "make up", even for the actors!

 One of my favorite jobs was back stage Mom, which was hanging out with the actors and actresses between scenes and keeping them as quiet as possible!

Our own lady Grenville!

It truly was a wonderful production, and everyone did a great job shining God's light through the Lamplighter Homeschool Theater!


Jennifer said...

Such a great group, so much fun, so many great memories! What a true blessing from God to enjoy this time with everyone.

Hope Rising Farm said...

Looks like fun! Thanks for posting pictures:)