Thursday, July 31, 2014

Please, please pray!

And so I come to you this day asking for you to pray for us here in Bulgaria. You see, the international visa system has crashed again today. This means that people applying for visas world wide are stuck until it can come up again.

When we first arrived last week, Sylvia and I were walking in Sofia and we came across two wonderful ladies with a small child. We could tell they were from America and we began talking with them. They were stuck here in Bulgaria because the visa system had crashed a few days before and they couldn't get visas for their children and leave. They and another family ended up moving to our same hotel and we were able to fellowship with them and pray with them and encourage them. Then, the visa system came up and running and they were able to fly home to America yesterday.

Well...the visa system has crashed again. And so we need prayers! We have our appointment with the embassy on Monday of next week, August 4th. Then our visas are schedued to be printed on Tuesday and we fy out on Wednesday. Please join us in praying for God's will with ALL of this! We truly covet your prayers!!! 

You can read about the crisis here:

We know this is NOT a surprise to God. We know that He continues to be in control. We pray that our testimony to Him remains strong and unwaivering. 

We need your prayers for:
1.  Us here, and that God's will will be done with our visas for our children.
2.  With wisdom on how we should proceed and what should happen with our flights.
3.  For safety and well being of all of us, especially our new children.
4.  For our family back home and safety and well being for them.
5.  For God's love to shine through us during ALL times!
6.  For any finances that we need to adjust during this time!
7.  For our faith to grow as we are tested!
8.  For wisdom to know if anyone should fly home on our scheduled date. 
9. For the visas to be printed in God's perfect timing!

Please, please, please pass this prayer request on to EVERYONE!! We need to completely bath this in prayer! We know that..."He who has begun a good work in us shall follow it through to completion!"
We know that:
God can make a way, where there seems to be NO way! He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way! 

We love you!

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