Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Guess what?? I'm Invited and I'm soooo blessed!

I got this most wonderful invitation in the form of a Dayspring greeting card in my email inbox the other day! Such a blessing to me!!

Title: "Your heart is beautiful"

Dear Mom,
You are invited to a Mama's Oasis.
You have worked so hard lately and have done so much and we want to bless you in this way. Please accept!
We were hoping to have it this Saturday, but to make this more flexible, you may choose it to be anytime in the month of June. You will arrive at 11:00. You will be served tea, lunch and snacks. Come prepared to have a relaxing and rejuvenating time at Mama's Oasis. Please contact your hostess': Madelyn Grace and Elisha W. to schedule your date.
In Christ, Madelyn W.

You can imagine my excitement upon receiving this! I checked my calendar, and booked my "Mama's Oasis" for this coming Saturday, June 16 at 11:00!

I'll let you know ALL about it!! (maybe even including some photos of me...which is unusual since I'm the resident photographer!)

It's such a blessing to have my sweet girlies that are wanting to do this just for me! Wow!

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