Monday, June 18, 2012

Our Piano Symposium

Left to right:  Edward, Grace, Mrs. Harriet Coupal, Elisha, and Madelyn
What is a symposium you ask? That's a VERY good question. A few years ago, our beloved piano teacher Mrs. Coupal decided to change from having a piano recital to having it be in the symposium format, and we LOVE it!

A symposium is:  A collection of essays or papers on a particular subject by a number of contributors.

So...we have 4 piano students right now in our family. They each had 2 pieces of music they played for the symposium. They stood up before each song and told about the composer and interesting information they had researched about the type of song it was, too. It's wonderful for the audience and the students because everyone learns. Then, at the end of each piano piece, the audience has a chance to ask questions about the piece and say what they liked or what could be improved!

Edward choose these two songs for his pieces:  "Sonatina", and "The Caravan"

 Elisha choose these 2 songs:  "The Fandango", and "Claire DeLune", and then she and Madelyn played a duet of "Be Thou My Vision" each on their own piano.

 Grace choose the following 2 songs:  "Con Motto" and "Spanish Dance", and Madelyn and Grace played a duet called:  "Merry Widow"

 Madelyn's two song choices were:  "Chanson", and "The Entertainer"

 The kids all did a wonderful job and then after the symposium, we enjoyed light refreshments in Mrs. Coupal's beautiful home and on her patio.

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