Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Belated Birthday Gift to Grace and an early one for Maddie.

Dear friends of ours The Rainey family came up with a wonderful idea for a birthday gift for Grace and Maddie. They invited them to take part in their daughter Maria's riding lesson for a day. Oh, they were super excited! Maria takes riding lessons at the same stable that the girls did a horse class at a few years ago. So they know the stable and most of the horses, too. I'm sure you can tell by the photos that they had a wonderful time! Part of the class is that you must groom the horses before and after the lesson and spend a good amount of time with them! Maddie had one of her favorite horses named Jack, and Grace had the newest horse in the stable named Glennis. Glenn for short! Of course everyone thought that was totally cool to have a horse named Glenn!

They did cantering, and also learned some maneuvering skills, too. They LOVED it, and of course it generated a renewed interest in riding lessons of their own. So...we are praying about that! Elisha is next to have a turn. She was in school on this day, so she'll have her time in a few weeks!

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