Friday, November 01, 2013


So what do you get when you have the following:

Benwinman------minus the Ben
                            plus the Reyn???

I'll tell you! You get Reynwinman!! Yup! We certainly missed the Ben (the beloved Bennett family who have daytime commitments now that they didn't the last few years). We invited the Reynolds family, who gladly joined us, and that gave us:


What is that exactly you ask?? Great question!! It's a fellowship time of 3 homeschool families. We share fun, and a pot luck lunch, and great fellowship, too! Take a peek!

 The Lowman family were gracious enough to host our first Reynwinman event! What a blessing to have Darrell Lowman join us!

 The kids had a blast playing outside!

 Pretty sure I heard Mrs. Lowman say..."Don't go in the fort everyone!"...oops....

 Everyone had a wonderful day, and loved having it end by watching a Veggie Tales movie!

Fellowship and Friendship and Fun! Who could ask for more??


Hope Rising Farm said...

We all had fun and I am looking forward to the next one!

Hope Rising Farm said...

We all had fun and I am looking forward to the next one!